Financiado! :)
Este proyecto alcanzó su objetivo económico el día Wednesday, April 25, 2012
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My project is called SINCITA. I am interested in proposing a dialogue between virtual communities and cities we inhabit, by designing and painting signs.

Use texts that circulate in the blog, facebook and twitter of my contacts, to bring them to public spaces. with the texts I’m installing signs on the streets of Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Barcelona, Lima, Córdoba, Rosario, Paraná, Porto Alegre, Bogotá, among others.

I started in 2007 tested various materials. Try letters, in themselves, provide an attractive image. In terms of appearance vaguely resemble antique shops signs and product labels.

The presence of these works on the streets is ephemeral. wish to edit a small book of photographs to publish all the interventions I have made TUITEAR EN FUTURO.

Link book on line

Details of offset printing of the book:

Quantity: 300
Size: 10.5 x 15 cm (closed), 21 × 15 cm open
Brilliant Tapas 300g (gross) fullcolor
Number of pages: 104 to fullcolor illustration of 130g paper
Binding Type: termopegado binder

About Sincita project:

Exploratorio Argentino de Poéticas/Políticas Tecnológicas, Buenos Aires, 2010

De la web a la calle, El Pez Eléctrico, Buenos Aires, 2010

In recent years the project has had SINCITA supported by National Endowment for the Arts, Fundación Rodriguez, Spanish International Cooperation Agency, among others.


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